Friday, September 23, 2011

Writing Reflection?

Please share what you have learned regarding writing so far this semester. What have you improved within your Uniform paragraph? Please reflect upon your improvements within this blog entry. Remember the 6+1 Traits, Grammar, Revisions, Technology, Sentence Types, Topic Sentences, etc... Please respond to this blog in class., September 23rd, 2011.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Writing Relection?

Please share what you have learned regarding writing so far this semester. What have you improved within your Uniform paragraph? Please reflect upon your improvements within this blog entry.  Remember the 6+1 Traits, Grammar, Revisions, Technology, Sentence Types, Thesis Statements, etc...  Please respond to this blog by Mon., October 11th, 2010.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reflecting Upon Writing?

Please share what you have learned regarding writing this semester. What have you improved within your writing assessment? Please reflect upon your improvements within this blog entry. This will be part of your writing assessment conference at the end of the week. Prior to the start of class, please respond to this blog by Fri., December 11th 2009.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

(Not Really a Blog)

This is just supposed to help advertise a good cause on Facebook

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

i larned that even though you want your reader to be informed dont try and cram everything into your tpic sentence or else it will be to long

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

the lady and the tiger

The princess values her life the most,and all she cares about is herself, if she cant have something,(like the man), no one will.

I learned that a topic sentence has to be one sentence. Before i thought it could be two or three.
In the short story "The Lady or the Tiger" the princess most values having a relationship with this man. She does not want anyone with him but her, even if this means death for him.